Howto vr exhibition index

  • Make a user

    To allocate the ressources we need an user. You can Test our ap free with preset data or make an user and try our app 14 days for free. So you can use your email and passowrd or Google and Facebook to sign in

  • Choose and try an world

    We call the templates Worlds. They are professional (mainly architects) Drawn Files. (You could bring your own as well) So experience an World try it see if you like the styles all of them are curated for different usecases. And we are adding more.

  • Enter your assets

    We call your Assets products as we also support E-Commerce usecases. Minimal Entry is an Name Text and an picture. You can choose 1 or Many 2D Pictures 360° degree pictures or 3d objects (OBJ,GRBL format) The other fields are for the use in an automatic generated Landingpage or to sync with your webshop.

  • Curate IT

    Description goes here

Make it your Project

When you scroll through the worlds you can Try it 14 days for free so try it. Then choose Gallery.

Your demo will be an Titan product which you can purchase in any time in the version you need.

So if you dont need the Video + Voicechat + and Videotetering capability you are free to choose. Same is with the data you want to show. If you have an cupon you can use it when your pay vial Stripe.

Setup your Project

make it all yours. Name it give it an description in German and English and Add an Logo. Choose an Category. We can reuse all that data in an automatic created Landingpage for you if needed.

Make it stand out.