Terms of Service


Important NOTE: The latest version available on our website always applies.


1.1 These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: General Terms and Conditions) regulate the rights and obligations in connection with the use of the services of the provider Thomas Neusser Mechatronik (hereinafter: Vron or "We") and the Vron user in connection with the use of our services and the others offered Services, applications, mobile applications and features offered by Vron unless we expressly state otherwise.

1.2 Our terms and conditions apply exclusively. Conditions of the Vron user that conflict with or deviate from these Terms will not be recognized unless we have expressly agreed to their validity in text form. These Terms also apply if we provide our services to the Vron user without reservation in the knowledge of conflicting or deviating conditions of the Vron user.

Conclusion of Contract

Unless otherwise individually agreed, a contract is only concluded upon successful completion of the registration process. The registration process is only successfully completed when we have informed you of this by e-mail.

The Vron user has the option of printing out these terms and conditions (contract text) at any time. The print function of the browser can be used for this.

There is no right to conclude a contract. We are free to reject the offer of a Vron user to conclude a contract without giving reasons.

The prerequisite for registering a Vron page is that the Vron user is at least 16 years old. Vron does not knowingly collect any information from minors or other persons who are legally unable to use our services and websites. If we become aware that we have collected personal data from a minor, we will delete it immediately; unless we are required by law to keep the data.

If the Vron user operates an online shop with his Vron page, the minimum age is 18 years.

Our Services

Vron provides an online service with which Vron users can create a user account (Vron account or profile). The Vron user can use this Vron account to create, manage and edit one or more Vron projects (hereinafter referred to as “project(s)” or “VR world(s)”). The service provided allows the user to select and then adapt the design of their VRON project from the "worlds" provided, to post their own content and/or to operate an online shop (Q4/2022).

Vron offers Vron users various service packages. An overview with the current service description of the packages can be found at the conclusion of the sale or here https://vron.one/de/preise/website/. The services differ in their technical capabilities and setting options.

Voluntary, free services and benefits of the provider can be discontinued at any time. In this case, the Vron user has no right to continue the Vron services.

In certain service packages, advertising can be displayed on the published Vron website. The Vron user is not authorized to edit, remove or cover up the placed advertising.

A user-created Vron page is published under a system-generated url. The Vron user is not authorized to forward an externally hosted domain to a free Vron site or to display the free Vron site on an external website (e.g. integration via frame or iframe).

In the editing mode of all Vron products, we collect data for quality assurance with the help of Google Analytics. This collection of data takes place across pages. We use the information obtained from this to correct errors and to further improve the user-friendliness of our offer. We reserve the right to use other web analysis systems. We will inform you about this in our data protection information. We ensure that the respective service provider is carefully selected when using the web analysis systems and that the data protection requirements for the use of the respective system are complied with.

We have the right to use the services of third parties in compliance with the legal provisions applicable to Vron for the provision of services and in compliance with the contract for the processing of data on our behalf.

To expand the service packages, Vron can offer third-party services that can be integrated on the Vron user's website. The type and scope of the use are also based on the respective terms and conditions and data protection declarations of the third-party providers, to which we refer separately. Use of these third party services is at your own risk; Vron is not liable for any damage resulting from the use of third-party services. Before integrating/linking these third-party services, you should always check the data protection declaration and terms and conditions of the relevant third-party provider, because the integration may give the third-party provider access to personal data that you have provided. For example, personal information that Vron shares with a third-party account or platform (e.g., a social media account) may in turn be shared with certain third parties, including the general public, depending on the privacy policy of the account or platform.

Vron reserves the right to expand, change or delete services or functions and to make improvements, especially if these serve technical progress, appear necessary and to prevent misuse. We will only make these changes if the changes are reasonable for the Vron user or if we are obliged to do so by law.

The presentation and design of the administration area (e.g. in the dashboard or product) is the sole responsibility of Vron. Vron reserves the right to display product-related advertisements and other commercial or sponsored content in the administration area which, determined by Vron, may be valuable or helpful to the Vron user in creating, designing or maintaining their Vron projects. In order to find out how satisfied the user is with the Vron products, Vron reserves the right to send user surveys to the Vron user in the administration area of the website and/or by e-mail (if the user has consented). The user decides individually for each survey whether he wants to participate and what information he wants to give Vron (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a DS-GVO).

Personal Data

The Vron user assures that the personal data they provide is true and complete. In individual cases, we reserve the right to request suitable proof of identity.

The Vron user is obliged to keep the personal data up to date.

In order to exclude use by unauthorized third parties, the Vron user is obliged to keep the access data secret. If the Vron user has reason to believe that unauthorized third parties have gained or may gain knowledge of the access data, we must be informed immediately. In this case, the Vron user is also obliged to change his password immediately.

The Vron user agrees to receive electronic communication from Vron for contractual purposes (e.g. invoices, important contractual information or relevant technical changes, etc.). It is therefore very important that the data of the Vron account (“profile”) is kept up to date. Vron disclaims any liability or responsibility if you do not receive a notification email because the email address is not correct/up-to-date. The Vron user can revoke his consent to receive this information electronically at any time for the future by notifying Vron (datenschutz@vron.one). In this case, however, Vron reserves the right to close the Vron user account in accordance with Section 13 or 3.3.

General obligations of the Vron user

The Vron user is responsible for all content that the Vron user keeps available or stores on Vron websites. We are not obliged to check the Vron pages (projects) of the Vron users for possible legal violations.

The Vron user is obliged to comply with all applicable national legislation and the applicable regulations of the Republic of Austria. This also applies explicitly to any additional legal regulations that may apply to the operation of a website/online shop.

The Vron user undertakes to comply with the imprint obligation (or the corresponding legal obligation in the country of use) by himself. An imprint (provider identification) must be made available to third parties as soon as the website becomes accessible. If a company is a Vron user, a natural person must always be named as a contact person for Vron. We must be informed immediately of a change of contact person.

Vron regularly creates security copies (backups) of its servers. Individual Vron pages (projects) and/or content cannot always be restored from these backups. The Vron user is responsible for storing and backing up data and content from Vron pages. Vron users should create regular backups of all content of their Vron page(s) to avoid damage caused by data loss. This is especially true for data about products and buyers. We have summarized more information on this in this help article: https://

Vron's shop solutions do not meet the requirements of the principles for the proper management and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form and for data access (GOBD). Vron does not provide any invoices, receipts or other tax-related documentation for the shop owner. The Vron user is responsible for the storage of data in accordance with legal requirements, in particular commercial and tax law.

The Vron shop solution does not meet all requirements for the online sale of the following items:

  • Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and other products containing nicotine

  • Products containing cannabidiol (CBD).

  • Other content that is harmful to young people, which is shown in the Youth Protection Act (JuSchG).

  • termsAndConditions.obligations.list.4

The Vron user may only use the designs contained in Vron for the Vron website. It is expressly forbidden to save the Vron website on third-party IT systems and to use it on a third-party server.

The Vron user may only use the curated content of our design templates (images, text, layout, fonts) on their Vron website. Publication of this content elsewhere, e.g. in print media or other platforms on the Internet, is not permitted.

Prohibited Actions

The Vron user is prohibited from any actions on Vron pages that violate applicable law, violate the rights of third parties or violate the principles of youth protection. The Vron user is prohibited from publishing, distributing, offering and advertising:

  • content, services and/or products that violate youth protection laws, data protection laws and/or any other law and/or are fraudulent

  • Content glorifying or trivializing war, terror and other acts of violence against people or animals

  • Content that insults or defames other users or third parties because of age, ethnic or social origin, language, religious affiliation, disability, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

  • Content likely to deny, insult, threaten, or slander others

  • Content or communication that is/is suitable for promoting or supporting racism, radicalism, fascism, fanaticism, hatred, physical or mental violence or illegal actions (in each case explicitly or implicitly) or otherwise violates common decency

  • Content, services and/or products that are protected by law or encumbered with third-party rights (e.g. copyrights) without demonstrably being entitled to do so

  • termsAndConditions.prohibitedactions.list1.7

These obligations also apply to the references ("hyperlinks") inserted by the Vron user on his Vron website to this type of content on external platforms or services.

Des Weiteren sind auch unabhängig von einem eventuellen Gesetzesverstoß bei der Veröffentlichung eigener Inhalte (bzw. durch das Setzen von Links) auf Vron-Seiten die folgenden Aktivitäten untersagt:

  • das Versenden von Junk-, Spam- oder Scam-Mails sowie von Kettenbriefen

  • Verwenden einer Vron Seite zu Spam-Zwecken und Erstellen von kostenfreien Vron-Seiten zu Linkbuildingzwecken bzw. SEO-Spam

  • die Belästigung anderer, z. B. durch mehrfaches persönliches Kontaktieren ohne oder entgegen der Reaktion des anderen sowie das Fördern bzw. Unterstützen derartiger Belästigungen

  • die Aufforderung anderer zur Preisgabe von Kennwörtern oder personenbezogener Daten für kommerzielle oder rechts- bzw. gesetzeswidrige Zwecke (Phishing)

  • Das Veröffentlichen, das Verbreiten, das Anbieten und die Bewerbung von Bonussystemen, Paid4Mail-Services, PopUp-Services, Schneeballsystemen oder ähnlich funktionierenden Formen des Marketings und/oder Werbens

  • Das Anbieten von Glücksspielen bzw. Sportwetten mit oder ohne Erlaubnis durch die zuständige Behörde

  • Vermittlung von Krediten bzw. Privatkrediten in einer geschäftsmäßigen Weise ohne schriftlichen Erlaubnis der zuständigen Behörde

  • termsAndConditions.prohibitedactions.list2.8

Any action that is likely to impair the smooth operation of the Vron system is also prohibited.

Should Vron be sued for illegal content that the Vron user provides on its website as a third party or co-disturber (e.g. for omission, revocation, correction, damages, etc.), then the Vron user is obliged to reimburse Vron for all costs incurred as a result. The Vron user is also obliged to support Vron in any way to ward off such a claim.

Sending e-mails to a large number of recipients (newsletters, advertising e-mails) via the Vron mail system is strictly prohibited. With the term "multiple" we stick to the explanation set by our mail provider and based on the CAN_SPAM Act: sending an e-mail to more than 200 people. The e-mail systems we use react automatically when this type of e-mail is sent and block access to the affected e-mail account and the e-mail administration on the Vron site. In the event of repeated violations, we reserve the right to permanently block e-mail access.

Blocking Access

We can block access to our services temporarily or permanently if there are concrete indications that the Vron user is violating these terms and/or applicable law or if we have another legitimate interest in the blocking.

Access can also be blocked if the Vron user is in arrears with the payment of a fee.

When deciding whether to block, we will give due consideration to the legitimate interests of all parties involved.

If a Vron user does not register on their free Vron page within 180 days, we are entitled to irrevocably delete this website and all content on it.

Service disruptions

We strive to ensure that our products and services can be used as uninterrupted as possible. However, the Vron user acknowledges that for technical reasons and due to external influences (e.g. non-availability of the communication networks, interruption of the power supply, hardware and software errors), uninterrupted availability of the Vron websites is not feasible. There is no entitlement to high availability. Merely temporary access restrictions do not justify any warranty claims or a right to extraordinary termination. The current status of our system can be viewed here.

Insofar as our services are provided free of charge for the Vron user, the Vron user is only entitled to use our services within the scope of the availability that we have actually provided.

For paid services, we guarantee an annual average availability of 98% in our area of responsibility. The regular maintenance windows, which can be 4 hours each week, are not included in the calculation of availability. We strive to keep maintenance times as short as possible.

In order to use the Vron system properly, certain system requirements must be met. An overview of the current system requirements can be found here. The provider is not responsible for performance disruptions or restrictions when using other system configurations.

Terms of Payment

For the use of chargeable service packages as well as additional services/services from third-party providers, fees are incurred, which are due in advance for a contract period.

The possible payment methods are displayed to the Vron user in the product information and/or in the ordering process.

Invoices for chargeable service packages are provided to the Vron user in PDF format.

The respective invoice amount is to be paid in full to Vron after receipt of the invoice, unless otherwise agreed.

The punctuality of payments depends on the receipt of the amount at our unconditional disposal.

Vron processes all payments via external payment service providers. Notably, these include, but are not limited to, Stripe. The Vron user agrees that Vron only accepts payments via these service providers or that the corresponding service providers may debit the resulting amounts. In the case of a bank transfer, the payment must be directed to the payment service provider specified in the payment process.

If a payment method is stored in a Vron contract via which the costs for the contract extension are to be automatically debited, then Vron will automatically debit (collect) the invoice amount due on the day of the contract extension. If automatic debiting is not possible, the Vron user will receive a payment link from us on the day the contract is extended. Payment for the new contract period must be made via this link. The Vron user agrees to the automatic debit by selecting the payment method.

In the case of payment by bank transfer, the purpose specified by us must be specified. If the Vron user makes a transfer with a different purpose, he must inform us immediately and send us proof of payment. The following data must be complete and decipherable on this proof: the bank details (IBAN) of the sender account, the name of the account holder, the date of payment, the amount, the purpose and the bank details (IBAN) of the recipient. The burden of proof of a payment lies with the Vron user.

The provider is also entitled to shut down the Vron user's website and to block the Vron access if the fees are not paid.

Vron assumes no liability for failures, damages or loss of sales caused by a blocking of the site due to incorrect or late payment, provided that the error or delay is the fault of the Vron user.

Payments are due in EURO.

Unless otherwise stated, discounts or promotions relate to the first contract period of a contract term. The contract will then be extended at the current, valid full price. We may change our offer and prices from time to time. In the case of existing, fee-based contracts, the changes will take effect at the beginning of the next contract period and a reasonable notice period of at least 6 weeks will be observed. If the Vron user does not object within 6 weeks of receipt of the notification and continues to use the services after the objection period has expired, the changes shall be deemed to have been agreed as effective from the expiry of the period. In the change notification, we will inform the Vron user of his right to object and of the consequences of an objection.

All prices include VAT. The currently applicable VAT rate is shown on the invoice at the latest. If the Vron user or the associated company is not based in Austria but in the EU, the Vron user can receive an invoice in this way that does not include VAT. In this case, the Vron user provides a sales tax identification number when ordering a fee-based service package. The Vron user is then responsible for taxation (reverse charge procedure). Vron users outside of Europe receive a net bill.


If the Vron user reverses a payment when making a payment, we reserve the right to block the corresponding Vron page(s) or the affected Vron account and to terminate the associated contract or contracts.

A renewed use of the Vron page or the Vron account is only possible after all outstanding claims have been settled.

Fees incurred by Vron as a result of the chargeback, refusal of a payment or the opening of a dispute can be charged to the Vron user. The Vron user can contact customer support in advance if they have questions about a payment.

If there are problems with collecting the invoice amount, Vron reserves the right to only offer certain payment methods for paying the invoice.

Right of withdrawal

In principle, consumers are entitled to a right of withdrawal. Further information can be found in the cancellation policy.

If a contract is revoked, we will repay the payment received under this contract immediately and at the latest within fourteen days of receipt of the revocation. For this repayment we use the same means of payment that the Vron user used for the original transaction.

After termination of the contractual relationship, Vron deletes the projects of the Vron user.




  • termsAndConditions.accountabilityforcontent.list.1

  • termsAndConditions.accountabilityforcontent.list.2





Contracts and Cancellations

A free Vron website can be deleted at any time by the Vron user via the settings or the menu on their Vron page. A Vron account can be deleted by the Vron user via the settings in the dashboard. In order for a Vron account to be deleted by the Vron user, only free sites may be connected to it. If the Vron user has connected paid Vron pages to the Vron account, the contract must first be terminated in accordance with points 13.2, 13.3, 13.4 and 13.5 of these terms.

2 Unless otherwise stated in the respective service description, the contract for the chargeable packages with an annual extension is extended by the originally agreed period of time if the contract is not terminated one month before the end of the respective term. The user will be informed of the contract extension by e-mail at least 6 weeks before the date of the contract extension. The extension of the contract is deemed to have been agreed if the user does not object to this extension in good time or does not terminate the contract in good time. In the notification, Vron also reminds the user of their right to terminate or object, the applicable deadlines for this and the effect of the omission of the objection or termination.

Unless otherwise stated in the respective service description, the contract for the chargeable monthly terminable packages is extended by a further month if it is not terminated at the end of the respective term.

Cancellations can be made by the Vron user directly on the Vron website to be canceled in the settings. A notice of termination can be given at the end of the contract period.

A refund of fees paid in advance will not be made in the event of termination or deletion before the end of the contract.

The Vron user has the option of ordering additional services that are subject to a fee for certain service packages. If the Vron user terminates one or more of these additional services, the rest of the contractual relationship remains unaffected.

The Vron user has the option of changing the service package. An upgrade and downgrade of the service package is possible at any time. The change is effective immediately. The purchase price is calculated pro rata on a daily basis. (Proratio)

We are entitled to terminate the contractual relationship without giving reasons with a notice period of 2 months. In this case, fees paid proportionately in advance will be refunded.

The extraordinary right of termination of each contracting party remains unaffected.

In particular, we are entitled to extraordinary termination of the contractual relationship without observing a period of notice if facts justify the assumption that the Vron user has intentionally or negligently committed "prohibited acts" within the meaning of Sections 6 and 12 of these General Terms and Conditions or against other obligations from these general ones violated terms and conditions. Such a violation or non-compliance can also result in civil and criminal law consequences for the Vron user himself. In this case, fees paid proportionately in advance will not be refunded. The Vron user is free to provide evidence that the non-granted refund is "unfair" in his case.

After termination of the contractual relationship, we are no longer obliged to provide the contractual services. We can delete all data of the Vron user located on the server, including chats located in the mailboxes. It is not possible to transfer the entire website to a third-party server. The timely storage and backup of the data is therefore the responsibility of the Vron user.

In addition to the rights granted by Vron under these terms&conditions, Vron may take further action if Vron determines that a security breach on a Vron User's website could result in an unauthorized disclosure of customer information, or request that the Vron User provide Vron with information relating to such infringement.


We ensure that personal data from Vron users is only collected, stored and processed to the extent that this is necessary for the provision of our services and permitted by statutory provisions or ordered by law. Further information on data processing and data protection can be found in the Vron data protection declaration. You can find them here.

In the event that data protection declarations of consent are obtained from the Vron user as part of the use of our services, it is pointed out that these can be revoked by the Vron user at any time with effect for the future.

Within the framework of the respective data protection laws, the Vron user is the client or the responsible body within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 7 DSGVO with regard to all personal data that is processed via the services offered by Vron on behalf of Vron as the processor. The Vron user agrees to comply with the requirements of the data protection laws applicable to data controllers in relation to the use of the Vron services and in relation to these general terms and conditions and in relation to the data processing contract provided by Vron , are valid. The corresponding Vron contract for the processing of data on behalf of Vron can be downloaded here and concluded in electronic form. The client or the Vron user is solely responsible for safeguarding the rights of those affected.

A service like Vron is subject to constant changes in terms of data processing, the use of third-party providers or services. Vron is constantly looking for solutions to improve the performance for the Vron user. In this context, we may also change details of the processing of data via our website. Vron will inform the client or the Vron user in good time in the event of a planned change of subcontractor or if a new subcontractor is planned to be commissioned, as described in the contract about processing on behalf of the customer ("Information"). If the customer objects to this change, the contractor can terminate the contractual relationship with the customer with a notice period of at least 14 days to the end of a calendar month. The contractor will take the interests of the customer into account appropriately when setting the notice period. If the client does not raise an objection within three weeks after receipt of the "information", this shall be deemed to be the client's consent to the change or new assignment of the subcontractor concerned.

Up-to-date information on the purpose, type and scope of the collection, processing and use of personal data can be found in the data protection information, which can be accessed at any time under the "Data protection" link, as well as in the contract for the processing of data by order.

As part of its services, Vron may provide general templates of data protection, cookie, legal notice and other (relevant) notices, texts or text generators from third-party providers on the respective Vron user's page or in the dashboard. This general information and/or the technical possibilities for creating these texts do not constitute legal advice within the meaning of the Legal Services Act and Vron assumes no responsibility for the correctness, completeness and/or legality of their content or suitability for the respective website/the respective offer. In order to be sure that the corresponding information on the respective website satisfies all legal requirements, it is advisable to seek legal advice.

Limitation of Liability

In the event of intent or gross negligence, we shall be liable without limitation for all damage caused by us.

In the event of slight negligence, we shall be liable without limitation in the event of injury to life, limb or health.

For the rest, we are only liable if we have breached an essential contractual obligation. Essential contractual obligations are abstractly those obligations whose fulfillment makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and on whose compliance the Vron user can regularly rely. In these cases, liability is limited to compensation for the foreseeable, typically occurring damage, but no more than an annual fee for the Vron website in question.

Insofar as our liability is excluded or limited according to the aforementioned regulations, this also applies to our vicarious agents.

Liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected.

Final Clause

The law of the Republic of Austria applies - as far as legally permissible - whereby the validity of the UN sales law is excluded.

If the Vron user is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, our company headquarters is the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the contractual relationship.

Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

In the event of deviations resulting from the translation, the wording in German applies.

We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time with effect also within the existing contractual relationships. We will inform the Vron user of such changes at least 6 weeks before the changes are planned to come into effect. If the Vron user does not object within 6 weeks of receipt of the notification and continues to use the services after the objection period has expired, the changes shall be deemed to have been agreed as effective from the expiry of the period. In the change notification, we will inform the Vron user of his right to object and of the consequences of an objection. In the event of an objection, we have the right to terminate the contractual relationship with the Vron user when the changes are scheduled to come into effect.

On the website https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/, the EU Commission provides the option of conducting a complaints procedure for online dispute resolution for consumers (OS). Vron is not willing and not obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.




We have archived the previously valid General Terms and Conditions as of February 2022